3 Crucial Tips For Cattle Identification For cattle identification, farm owners, ranchers, and producers have a range of options. Cattle in a herd are identified using electronic ear tags, RFID tags, and plastic or vinyl ear tags. The type of tags they use is determined by their requirements and preferences. Considerations For Cattle Identification: Size and Style: Ear tags are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes. Sizes might range from 2′′ H x 5/8′′ W (Small) to 4 3/4′′ H x 3′′ W (Large), depending on the manufacturer and size of tag required (Maxi or Large). Tags...

Livestock Identification Using Ear tags
Livestock Identification Using Ear tags Milk, meat, and all the products of the animals’ supply chain are constructed on traceability. Identification and traceability denote the starting point for every commercial operation. This is because animals spend their lives in one place and are moved to a slaughterhouse or sold when the time arrives. Animal ear tags are the best for their identification. It is highly suggested that each animal kept on a farm has some sort of identity to enable and guarantee a virtuous process at the source while managing farms. Farmers may track their herd from birth through slaughter,...