animal id microchip

What Are The Top Benefits Of Electronic Ear Tags For Cattle

Electronic ear tags for cattle are tiny ear tags with an individual number on them. which can be read remotely by radio frequency devices and is printed on the tag. In the event of a disease outbreak, traceability of livestock movements must be guaranteed by entering the movements into the National Livestock Identification System database.

Although introduced to ensure market access compliance. There are many benefits for cattle producers to improve herd productivity and profitability through recording individual performance of animals. Individual performance recording of vital production traits enables high performing and low performing animals to be identified and managed accordingly.

What Should Be Monitored And Controlled

Any piece of information about an animal. Including its date of birth, sex, parentage, color, weight, and pregnancy status, can be recorded. To attain your results, it is crucial to determine the aims and objectives of your business. As well as the qualities that need to be measured the most.

By recording each animal’s performance individually. A herd Animal Id Microchip can be completed quickly and accurately without referring to handwritten note books and diaries. Additionally, it makes it possible to access records of treatments, sales, and carcass performance. Which provides an analysis of the herd’s overall performance.

Enhancing The Performance Of The Cattle Herd With Electronic Ear Tags For Cattle

Keeping Track Of Management Actions

Regular medical examinations that are individually documented guarantee that animals are not sold during a withholding period. Veterinarian procedures and treatments are recorded to prevent entry into specific markets. And to allow for the monitoring of drug treatments, especially antibiotics. Making decisions about herd culling also benefits from the individual level monitoring of persistent veterinary problems.

Logging Changes In Weight In Real Time

Frequent weighing assists in reaching market requirements (for slaughter) or target growth weights (for mating or feedlot admission, for example). Frequent weight monitoring of each individual enables feeding schedule adjustments. reducing feed or time waste to create an effective herd. Cattle can be easily divided into management groups at weighing with a variety of options available for auto-drafting. 

animal id microchip
animal id microchip

Live Weight Is Weighed Remotely

This technology, which records individual weights while cattle are in the paddock, is only made possible by the Animal Id Microchip. Using a water point as a lure. Walk over weighing technology scans cattle’s tags and records their weight on a weigh platform. An auto drafting system may also be used in conjunction with WOW technology.

Using a short weight platform to measure the animal’s partial weight. while it consumes an attractant is another technique for remote weighing. Either way, remote weighing makes it possible to weigh a section of the herd every day and monitor performance. Producers are able to keep an eye on feeding schedules and take proactive management actions as a result. Additionally, it makes it possible to predict market end points and weight gains well in advance.

Cow Body Condition Score Recording

Drafting of animals may be permitted by keeping track of a cow’s physical state. During her entire life and throughout the production cycle. Can be used to determine the outcome of a pregnancy based on condition and to inform decisions about additional feeding. Information to support decisions about culling based on productivity, environmental resilience, and mature weight.

Keeping Track Of A Pregnancy And Calving Results

Together with pregnancy success, the outcome of a cow’s pregnancy can be tracked against their unique eid. Calves can also record other details like birthdate, weight, and ease of calving, and if necessary. Use parentage verification testing to link them to their mothers. Future culling decisions may take into account records of calving complications, such as prolapse, cesarean section, or mothering problems. 

Controlling Genetic Trends

Analyzing a person’s genetic background whether it be from their dam, sire, or both allows one to examine. The effects of specific bloodlines or sires on herd performance, including growth, reproduction, and carcass production.  Thanks to developments in genetic technologies, commercial animals can now be genomically tested for production traits. Allowing for more precise replacement female and bull selection. Individual data must be recorded for this technology, and using eid makes this process easier.

Handling Of Cattle In Feedlots

The efficiency of commercial feedlots depends on the use of eid tags. Feedlot operators can effortlessly log induction details, days on feed, weight gain, movements, and medication administrations with the help of eid. Tracking each animal’s performance individually can be beneficial for intensive feeding operations, no matter how small or opportunistic.


To maximize your production and management processes, identify each cow, bull, and calf individually. The time, money, and resources required to identify each animal individually will more than pay for themselves over time and yield long-term benefits. You can buy amazing electronic ear tags for cattle and animal id microchip from

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